Source code for

"""Market - ETrade Market API V1

     * move logger into object under self.logger

import logging
from datetime import datetime

import xmltodict
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth1Session

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class ETradeMarket(object): """:description: Performs Market functions :param client_key: Client key provided by Etrade :type client_key: str, required :param client_secret: Client secret provided by Etrade :type client_secret: str, required :param resource_owner_key: Resource key from :class:`pyetrade.authorization.ETradeOAuth` :type resource_owner_key: str, required :param resource_owner_secret: Resource secret from :class:`pyetrade.authorization.ETradeOAuth` :type resource_owner_secret: str, required :param dev: Defines Sandboxi (True) or Live (False) ETrade, defaults to True :type dev: bool, optional :EtradeRef: """ def __init__( self, client_key: str, client_secret: str, resource_owner_key: str, resource_owner_secret: str, dev: bool = True, ): self.client_key = client_key self.client_secret = client_secret self.resource_owner_key = resource_owner_key self.resource_owner_secret = resource_owner_secret self.dev_environment = dev self.base_url = f'https://{"apisb" if dev else "api"}' self.session = OAuth1Session( self.client_key, self.client_secret, self.resource_owner_key, self.resource_owner_secret, signature_type="AUTH_HEADER", ) def __str__(self): ret = [ "Use development environment: %s" % self.dev_environment, "Base URL: %s" % self.base_url, ] return "\n".join(ret)
[docs] def look_up_product(self, search_str: str, resp_format: str = "xml") -> dict: """:description: Performs a look-up product :param search_str: Full or partial name of the company. :type search_str: str, required :param resp_format: Desired Response format, defaults to xml :type resp_format: str, optional :return: Product lookup :rtype: ``xml`` or ``json`` as defined by ``resp_format`` :Note: Etrade abbreviates common words such as company, industry and systems and generally skips punctuation. :EtradeRef: """ # api_url = self.base_url + "lookup/%s" % search_str api_url = "%slookup/%s" % ( self.base_url, search_str if resp_format.lower() == "xml" else f"{search_str}.json", ) LOGGER.debug(api_url) req = self.session.get(api_url) req.raise_for_status() LOGGER.debug(req.text) return xmltodict.parse(req.text) if resp_format.lower() == "xml" else req.json()
[docs] def get_quote( self, symbols: list[str], detail_flag: str = None, require_earnings_date: str = None, skip_mini_options_check: str = None, resp_format: str = "xml", ) -> dict: """:description: Get quote data on symbols provided in the list args. :param symbols: Symbols in list args format. Limit 25. :type symbols: list[str], required :param detail_flag: Market fields returned from a quote request, defaults to None :type detail_flag: str, optional :param require_earnings_date: Provides Earnings date if True, defaults to None :type require_earnings_date: str, optional :param skip_mini_options_check: Skips mini options check if True, defaults to None :type skip_mini_options_check: str, optional :param resp_format: Desired Response format, defaults to xml :type resp_format: str, optional :return: Returns quote data on symbols provided :rtype: xml or json based on ``resp_format`` :symbols values: * Limited to 25. If exceeded, first 25 will be processed with warnings * Equities format - ``symbol`` name sufficient, e.g. GOOGL. * Options format - ``underlier:year:month:day:optionType:strikePrice`` :detailflag values: * fundamental - Instrument fundamentals and latest price * intraday - Performance for the current of most recent trading day * options - Information on a given option offering * week_52 - 52-week high and low (highest high and lowest low) * mf_detail - MutualFund structure gets displayed * all (default) - All of the above information and more * None - Defaults to all. :skipMiniOptionsCheck values: * True - Call is NOT made to check whether the symbol has mini options * False - Call is made to check whether the symbol has mini options * None - Call is made to check whether the symbol has mini options (default) :EtradeRef: """ if detail_flag is not None: detail_flag = detail_flag.lower() assert detail_flag in ( "fundamental", "intraday", "options", "week_52", "all", "mf_detail", None, ) assert require_earnings_date in (True, False, None) assert skip_mini_options_check in (True, False, None) assert isinstance(symbols, list or tuple) if len(symbols) >= 26: LOGGER.warning( "get_quote asked for %d requests; only first 25 returned" % len(symbols) ) args = list() if detail_flag is not None: args.append("detailflag=%s" % detail_flag.upper()) if require_earnings_date: args.append("requireEarningsDate=true") if skip_mini_options_check is not None: args.append("skipMiniOptionsCheck=%s" % str(skip_mini_options_check)) api_url = "%s%s%s" % (self.base_url, "quote/", ",".join(symbols[:25])) if resp_format.lower() == "json": api_url += ".json" if len(args): api_url += "?" + "&".join(args) LOGGER.debug(api_url) req = self.session.get(api_url) req.raise_for_status() LOGGER.debug(req.text) return xmltodict.parse(req.text) if resp_format.lower() == "xml" else req.json()
[docs] def get_option_chains( self, underlier: str, expiry_date:, skip_adjusted: str = None, chain_type: str = None, strike_price_near: int = None, no_of_strikes: int = None, option_category: str = None, price_type: str = None, resp_format: str = "xml", ) -> dict: """:description: Returns the option chain information for the requested expiry_date and chain-type in the desired format. This should be a list of dictionaries, one for each option chain. :param underlier: Market Symbol :type underlier: str, required :param expiry_date: Contract expiration date, None produces closest to today :type expiry_date:, month, day), optional :param skip_adjusted: Specifies whether to show (True) or not show (False) adjusted options, defaults to True :type skip_adjusted: str, optional :param chain_type: Type of option chain, defaults to call/put :type chain_type: str, optional :param strike_price_near: Option chains fetched will have strike price close to this value :type strike_price_near: int, optional :param no_of_strikes: Indicates number of strikes for which the option chain needs to be fetched, defaults to None :type no_of_strikes: int, optional :param option_category: The option category, defaults to ``standard`` :type option_category: str, optional :param price_type: The price type, defaults to ``atnm`` :type price_type: str, optional :param resp_format: Desired Response format, defaults to ``xml`` :type resp_format: str, optional :return: Returns list of option chains for a specific underlying instrument :rtype: xml or json based on ``resp_format`` :chain_type values: * put * call * call/put (default) :option_category values: * standard (default) * all * mini :price_type values: * atnm * all :sampleURL: # noqa: E501 :EtradeRef: """ if chain_type is not None: chain_type = chain_type.lower() assert chain_type in ("put", "call", "callput", None) if option_category is not None: option_category = option_category.lower() assert option_category in ("standard", "all", "mini", None) if price_type is not None: price_type = price_type.lower() assert price_type in ("atmn", "all", None) assert skip_adjusted in (True, False, None) assert isinstance(resp_format, str) args = ["symbol=%s" % underlier] if expiry_date is not None: args.append( "expiryDay=%02d&expiryMonth=%02d&expiryYear=%04d" % (, expiry_date.month, expiry_date.year) ) if strike_price_near is not None: args.append("strikePriceNear=%0.2f" % strike_price_near) if chain_type is not None: args.append("chainType=%s" % chain_type.upper()) if option_category is not None: args.append("optionCategory=%s" % option_category.upper()) if price_type is not None: args.append("priceType=%s" % price_type.upper()) if skip_adjusted is not None: args.append("skipAdjusted=%s" % str(skip_adjusted)) if no_of_strikes is not None: args.append("noOfStrikes=%d" % no_of_strikes) api_url = "%s%s%s" % ( self.base_url, "optionchains?" if resp_format.lower() == "xml" else "optionchains.json?", "&".join(args), ) LOGGER.debug(api_url) req = self.session.get(api_url) req.raise_for_status() LOGGER.debug(req.text) return xmltodict.parse(req.text) if resp_format.lower() == "xml" else req.json()
[docs] def get_option_expire_date(self, symbol: str, resp_format: str = "xml") -> dict: """:description: Returns a list of dates suitable for structuring an option table display :param symbol: Market Symbol :type symbol: str, required :param resp_format: Desired Response format, defaults to xml :type resp_format: str, optional :return: Returns expiry of options for symbol :rtype: xml or json based on ``resp_format`` :sampleURL: :EtradeRef: """ assert resp_format in ["xml", "json"] api_url = "%s%s" % ( self.base_url, "optionexpiredate" if resp_format.lower() == "xml" else "optionexpiredate.json", ) LOGGER.debug(api_url) req = self.session.get(api_url, params={"symbol": symbol, "expiryType": "ALL"}) req.raise_for_status() LOGGER.debug(req.text) return xmltodict.parse(req.text) if resp_format.lower() == "xml" else req.json()